

Pathways Tutoring & Enrichment Program

Pathways Center
3517 N Church St, Greensboro NC 27405

Tutor children at Pathways, a temporary housing shelter designated for families. Serve as a mentor and plan other activities for the children. Pathways Center is a temporary housing space for families needing emergency shelter. It is operated by Greensboro Urban Ministry.

2014-2015 Goals
To begin monthly parent meetings and forge a relationship between tutors/mentors, parents, and Greensboro schools in order to develop a sustainable system for helping children keep up in classes.

2013-14 Goals 
To enhance educational learning through tutoring by creating fun and interactive ways for children to enjoy homework.  

Site Coordinator, 2014-2015
Amburee Edwards

Monday – Thursday session, 7:00-8:15 pm (6:30 pm DEP Guilford/8-8:30 pm ARR Guilford)
Friday session, 4:30-6:30 pm (4:00 pm DEP Guilford/6:15 pm ARR Guilford)

* Please volunteer at least once a week. Structure and dependability are very important in a child’s life.
* Always call for your night if you are unable to attend. The kids really depend on you to be there!


Nov. 15, 2013
The kids had benchmarks this week which meant that none of them had homework! Lucky kids. Thanks to BAB we received funding to purchase supplies for the site. The supplies that will be bought will help to reinforce homework learning, such as flash cards. Educational and thinking games will also be purchased in order to influence the kids to get off the computers, enjoy the outdoors and use their creative thinking towards games. We're excited to start using these tools during tutor time!

Nov. 8, 2013
This week was important in trying to figure out what supplies would improve our tutor time at Pathways. The kids and volunteers gave their opinions as to what material items they would like to see in order to improve our time at the site. Funding was figured out and we can't wait to use these materials in order to create an environment for the kids where they can enjoy doing their homework. We would also like for the kids to not use the computers to play games but interact with us more when they don't have homework.

Information Sheet

1.    What is Pathways?
a.    Pathways is run by the Greensboro Urban Ministry, which is a faith based organization.   Homeless Shelter for 16 families. Transitional housing. Some move to the Partnership Village.

2.    How did the Guilford College tutoring program begin?
a.    Group of Guilford students concerned about homelessness, and formed a group called Homelessness Awareness. They went to Pathways every Friday to play with the kids. They soon realized there was more of a need and especially with academics. They began going every day of the week, 9 years ago.

3.    Who are the faculty members at Pathways that you will see?
a.    Mark Sumerford, Director
b.    Susan, Assistant Director
c.    Night Director, i.e. Greg

4.    Make-up of Pathways right now
a.    16 families, 21 school aged kids and 7-10 pre-school kids.

5.    Guilford college tutor program at pathways mission statement
a.    OUR MISSION:  The mission of the Guilford College Pathways Volunteers is to tutor, mentor, and be a friend for the school aged children that are residing at the Pathways homeless shelter. As tutors, we will help each school aged child gain the skills they need to succeed. We will be accessible to all, and will not discriminate against any person. We will be available and serve as a resource for each child. We will be courteous and personable to all parents, and acknowledge their requests.

6.    Common Questions
a.    What is a normal tutoring time like?
       i.    Arrive at the ATM, carpool to Pathways
       ii.    Arrive at Pathways at 7/4:30.
       iii.    Kids rush in, go to tutor room.
       iv.    Ask who has homework, must read before get on computer.
       v.    5 minutes before time to go, we clean up. Lock door. Say bye

b.    Creative Options for tutors
       i.    Be creative when helping with homework assignments. What seems like a dull assignment is easily turned into something very exciting. Try acting a word-problem out, or reading a book aloud. Spelling words can be practiced verbally, and math problems can be more fun with markers! The more interested you are in their homework, the more the kids will be in doing it.
       ii.    Positive reinforcement is usually a good tactic. For example, kids react much better if you emphasize the things they are good at, so that they will want to work on the things that are harder for them.
       iii.    When a child compliments you, always return the compliment. This is a really simple thing to do, and really boosts a child’s self-esteem.

c.    What goes on in the tutor room?
       i.    Homework, puzzles, computer games, typing, reading, draw

d.    What goes on in the Pre-school room?
       i.    Read books, play with toys (play-do), draw

e.    What happens on Fridays?
       i.    Playing outside, Chalk drawing, ball games outside like kickball, some healthy snacks, fieldtrips such as trips to Guilford College, arts and crafts.

f.    What goes on in the cafeteria?
i.    Friday activities, eating, games, dancing.

g.    What goes on outside?
i.    Chalk drawing, ball games, playground time, jump rope.

7.    Other important Things
a.    We are in their HOME, respect
       i.    Please respect the requests of the parents. Many mothers do not want any of the tutors to play with their daughter’s hair. Many parents do not want their kids to be picked up or twirled around. Sometimes these actions may seem innocent to you, but they are quite an invasion to
the parents.
b.    Normal kids, have normal feelings..
c.    Christmas, sensitive to “home” issues
d.    Cultural differences be sensitive to….

8.    Pathways Rules worth noting
a.    No food in tutor room
b.    Parents are responsible for child’s behavior
c.    Kids should read before playing a game on the computer
d.    All discs and CD-ROMS should be handled by tutors ONLY
e.    If an emergency occurs, notify night manager and parent(s)
f.    Absolutely no balls inside

Club, team, etc

Faculty member

Neighborhood, grassroots organization

Issues-based nonprofit

Support from a business owner
2014-2015 Important Texts and Resources
Content guidelines, style and format page
• Welcoming Greensboro Initiative   
Slideshow from American Friends Service Committee, Uniting NC, Bonner Center et al 
• Welcoming Greensboro Initiative, Full Report to the City
• Social Equity in the Triad 
from Piedmont Together
Bonner Center Facebook   
Look at links we’ve posted on poverty, social injustice, food insecurity, etc and see where they lead
High Impact 101
Understand what High Impact Practices mean
Visual Images
