Budget First: Event, Project and Site Planning
Full training schedule: all BC courses
Full training schedule: all BC courses
Premester week Instructor: Young, et al Course Goals Planning of a site, project or event, starting with allocation of resources to planning, tracking progress and final reports. You will learn how and when to estimate costs, how to monetize contributions, find funding, leverage scarce resources and prioritize efforts and outcomes. You will learn about campus and community resources available to you. At the end of the course, you will be able to plan events using campus and community resources, document and measure their success, and use results to improve future events and performance. Includes hands on exercises and performance tests. Introduction Why is training needed? Scale and scope of the problem. What are we preparing for? Who covers what? (OSLE, PPS, Bonner, IRB etc) --CPR // Khristina --Etiquette --Cultural Competency --Understanding Racism --Belmont Report Relationship Definitions Volunteers or students? No, they are learners, ie students Teammates
Sources==================== Theory of Cybernetics How are Resources Tracked? Workflow and Hour Tracking Protocols Roles of Student, Coordinators, Community Partner and Instructor --Training TEAM MEMBERS Titles, relationships Recruiting Screening Registering ANTHROPOLOGICAL BACKGROUND AS BASIS OF ENGAGEMENT Video Screening OODA RIGHTS OF PARTICIPANTS =========== | How do I propose an independent project? file an incident report? review a teammate’s hours? |