PREM 03 From Etiquette to Social Justice

From Etiquette to IRB: A Survey of Community Responsibilities and Relationships
Full training schedule: all BC courses

Premester week
Instructor: Young, et al 
4 hours

Course Goals
At the end of the course you will understand the responsibilities of leaders based on circumstances, relationships, intentions, agreements, customs,  ethics, conventions and law. You will be able to recognize sets of responsibilities and associate them with projects, positions and relationships. You will understand how and when to effectively intervene and lead. 

Why is training needed?      Scale and scope of the problem. 
What are we preparing for?  
Who covers what? (OSLE, PPS, Bonner, IRB etc) 

Etiquette    Good manners, social awareness
Cultural competency, or intercultural competency   Namaste
Understanding Racism    Guilford’s voluntary program
Belmont Report     Basis of required ethical review board
Institutional Review Board (IRB)    Ethical treatment of human participants, with legal implications

Relations between whom?

Mapping Relationships

Example of a formalized set of relationships
Bonner Leadership Network: Fellows, Coordinators, Scholars
Leaders build teams recruited from volunteers, Bonner and Community Scholars and students from classrooms in order to run sites and projects. Sites and projects are funded from several sources such as clubs and BAB (Bonner Advisory Board). 

 2013-2014 Theoretical Model of a Community Site

 Concept Map of Latino Impact Relationships

Relationship Terms
Volunteers or students?        No, they are learners, ie, students

Bonner Scholar, PPS Scholar, Community Scholar, etc 
AmeriCorps Intern

Site coordinator
Project coordinator
Team member, teammate

Natural helper
Community advocate
Community health worker, lay health adviser
Cultural broker 
Technical assistant

Interpreter, Translator   could be professionally trained
Health navigator      could be professionally trained
Caseworker        professionally trained
Primary investigator (PI), Co-PI   professionally trained
Research assistant    professionally trained

        Recruiting       Criteria for good candidate?
        Screening        Why a background check?
        Registering     Why track who’s on site?

Rights of Participants, Community Members, Clients
Assumption that rights need to be protected     Why?
Unequal power relationships                             Such as?

Privacy Guidelines

These might cover
        and other individuals and issues

These might be intended to protect
        Community participants
        Patients, clients, etc
        Uninvolved bystanders
Your position determines your action
Anthropologist’s approach to engagement
Lawyer's approach to engagement 
Police officer’s approach

Captain’s approach vs private’s approach

Some professions are guided by a code of ethics
Journalism ethics     
Medical practioners ethics

• At your community site or project, what is your position?
Rights of Human Participants, Human Test Subjects
Example of Informed Consent, an approved IRB study
Example of a culturally-framed interview instrument explaining Informed Consent 

• As you plan for the future of your project or site be aware of the nature of the relationships you strive to create

• These relations imply obligations. In some special instances, they imply legal obligations or risk. As a leader, you must be aware of these possibilities.

• Your concept map and plans must anticipate the possible obligations and challenges of these relations. Include them in your thinking and planning.

BAB (Bonner Advisory Board)      Bonner Foundation money tagged for student projects. Moneys must be requested and approved in advance by an authorizing board of Bonner students.

Campus versus community     We usually refer to everyone at Guilford, from administrators to students, as the “campus” in contrast to the larger surrounding city of many neighborhoods, businesses, organizations, institutions etc, which we refer to as “community”.

Club      In Guilford College culture, the way in which some projects, sites and events are funded.

Cultural competency      A special kind of training about understanding how to live outside your own culture and understand and appreciate other cultures.

Dollars, Talent, Task and Time (budget)      Think about not what you want to do but how you will do it. A budget means who (talent) will do what (task) when (time) with what resources.

Leadership Network      In 2014-2015, nobody works alone.
Resume   In 2014-2015, everybody has to know what skills they're building and how they will describe them on a resume.

Project      A project coordinator oversees a project. A series of planned events bounded by a stated beginning and end, with goals and a budget and a logic model (means of measuring effectiveness and success).

Project Community     Technically, Project Community is a club. Historically, however, it functions as campus-based site dedicated to encouraging Guilfordians to be involved in community service.

Reflection     Reflection is the minimum level of feedback leaders should capture as a way of evaluating progress. It occurs on the individual and team level and asks participants about their views on personal, individual and team performance within the context of a stated mission, goal, action or event. Other forms of feedback include project and site-level evaluations, post-mortem, or after-action.  All feedback must be “fed-back” into the process, individual and collective experience, project or site in order for the team to advance, project to succeed or site to grow.

Resume     As a personal, academic and professional goal, we want you to consider how you connect your community engagement experiences with your resume and portfolio. If you haven’t done so, inform your faculty adviser and other faculty members you work with about your community engagement work. 

Site      A community site is a physical place with regular hours. It represents an on-going relationship between Bonner Center and a host organization or community, neighborhood, etc.  A site coordinator team oversees a site. 

Team      The basic action unit through which community work is accomplished by us. Although students can operate individually (a team of one), we prefer teams that are sustainable and can distribute workloads.

Training      To be on site or part of a project, participants must be prepared. If you're a leader, you will need training (Premester). Leaders will train their team members at CSI (Community Service Institute). 


How do I
... learn more about current community needs?
... figure out how to assess a community partner's needs?
...register for Guilford County Schools’ background check?
... learn more about Guilford College’s IRB?

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Erving Goffman, 1959
US government definition of volunteers
Belmont Report